Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about 12 Angry Men Literary Analysis - 841 Words
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose is a twisting story where a son is accussed of stabbing his father to death. Twelve strangers are told to listen to this court case and are then stuck in a small, hot room where they are told to decide on a verdict, whether or not the kid lives or dies. The jury finally decides on the verdict of : Not Guilty. Three major facts that influence the juries agreement that the accussed is not guilty include doubts of the murder weapon, doubts of the old man’s testimony, and doubts of the lady across the street’s testimony. The first major fact that influences the juries agreement that the accussed is not guilty is the doubts of a key piece of evidence; the murder weapon, a switch†¦show more content†¦This is very significant in swaying the jurors vote to not guilty because with the old man having had a stroke and using two canes, the jurors prove that the old man lied about how long it took for him to get to the door. This situation persuades the jurors decision even more because now they know that the old man lied and just assumed he saw the accussed young man, but could have been anyone. The last major fact that influences the juries agreement that the accused is not guilty are doubts of another witness’s testimony; the lady across the street who supposedly saw the accused young man stab his father. The jurors started talking about needing glasses to read the clock when Juror 8 realizes that the lady used very strong glasses and it is not possible that she could have had time to put them on and see the young man clearly stab his father. Juror 8 says, She testified that the murder took place the instant she looked out and that the lights went off a split second later. She couldn’t have had time to put on her glasses then. Now perhaps this woman honestly thought thought she saw the boy kill his father. I say she only saw a blur (587). 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